The US came a close second-worst on the list. It's such an odd coincidence that the two most warmongering, uncaring-capitalist countries measured are also the only ones with a significant underclass. And, as mothers egg their toddlers on in common mobile-phone YouTube vid fights, Blair asserts that the latest teeny texting-related murder is certainly no metaphor for British youth. Nice values we have to spread in Iraq - altruistic, innit like?
May I get all Edna de Bono on your arses for a mo'? How about mobile-phone and internet exclusion zones in the innercity ghettos? In fact, ban the use of digital technology there altogether!! (I'm sure some bright-spark scientist can dream up a nice 'n' efficient cancer-causing device to replace those ugly, working-class masts.) Get them back to their b&w analogue tellies. It's either that or the old put-them-on-a-big-ship-sail-them-out-to-the-North-Sea-and-pull-the-plug ploy.
I'm lovin' it. Yeeha. Oh, I feel a poem coming on...
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